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Group Travel Leader Group Travel Leader Group Travel Leader

International Buyer’s Guide Coming in Fall 2020

The Group Travel Leader Inc will publish the inaugural edition of its new International Buyers Guide for groups in November 2020. This comprehensive magazine will highlight global travel opportunities for groups and will contain detailed content for travel planners about how to take a group overseas.

“Each year, hundreds of new travel planners assume the reins of well-established travel programs as the next generation of leadership for groups that travel outside the United States,” said publisher Mac Lacy. “These new decision-makers are faced with a multitude of questions about how to take a group overseas and our International Buyers Guide is designed to answer those questions in a definitive way.”

“We work with dozens of travel companies each year that offer international travel itineraries and cruises,” said executive editor Brian Jewell. “This vast network of travel professionals and dozens of international destination offices from countries across the world will serve as key sources for articles about travel to every continent on earth. Cruise and tour programs will be discussed at length and the advantages of working with professionals when traveling overseas will be covered extensively.”

The International Buyers Guide will be published in both The Group Travel Leader and Select Traveler magazines’ November issues and will also be inserted as a free-standing magazine into the Winter edition of Going On Faith for all attendees of the Going On Faith Conference. Its total circulation in print for travel planners will exceed 21,000 and another 26,000 planners will receive it as a digital edition of these magazines. The guide will also be prominently displayed on these magazines’ websites for one year.

For information about advertising in the new International Buyers Guide, contact Kelly Tyner or Kyle Anderson toll-free at 888-253-0455 or e-mail them at or

Click here for the 2020 International Buyers Guide media kit.

Mac Lacy

Mac Lacy is president and publisher of The Group Travel Leader Inc. Mac has been traveling and writing professionally ever since a two-month backpacking trip through Europe upon his graduation with a journalism degree from the University of Evansville in 1978.