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Adventure beckons in the Heartland


Courtesy Indiana Dunes State Park

Indiana Dunes State Park

Chesterton, Indiana
Some of the best scenic hikes in the state of Indiana can be found at Indiana Dunes State Park.

“We have 16.5 miles of trails; each one has its own views: marshes, forest and dunes,” promotions director Ken Kosky said. “It depends if you want a flat trail or you can hike up to the highest sand dune, Mount Tom.”

Mount Tom stands 192 feet over Lake Michigan. The trails are classified as easy to rugged. The park promotes bird-watching, especially during the autumn, as the birds head to the shore of Lake Michigan. Some of the birds to look out for are herons, swallows and warblers. There are also sites for camping and picnicking, and rangers have programs during the weekends.

The Indiana Dunes Visitor Center has concierges that will help visitors pick activities to fit their needs and interests. There is also an exhibit room and a movie theater where visitors can learn about the history and ecology of the dunes.

The Nature Center at the park can teach visitors about reptiles, geology and the ecosystems of the area. Park interpreters can host different kinds of groups for hiking and programs of their choice.