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Group Travel Leader Group Travel Leader Group Travel Leader

Annual Buyers Guide Issue is on Tap for September

The Group Travel Leader will publish its popular Buyers Guide Directory issue in September. For more than 25 years, this instructional issue has highlighted best practices for travel planners for the coming year and it offers advertisers prime positions for influencing the travel decisions of thousands of planners for groups.

“We created editorial content this year that addresses pressing issues for our readers,” said VP and executive editor Brian Jewell. “We’ll tap some of the industry’s best minds to write about solving new problems like:

  • motivating travelers to hit the road
  • handling baggage at hotels
  • overcoming gasoline prices

“We’ll also create articles on building valuable relationships with new employees in the industry, finding affordable alternatives to higher-priced cities and attracting new customers to expand your customer base.”

The Buyers Guide Directory is the largest issue of the year for advertisers. Its September issue date is perfect for reaching travel planners who are creating tours for the year ahead.

“Space will be available to advertise until the middle of August,” said director of sales & marketing, Kyle Anderson. “Now is the time for advertisers to get their brand in front of our readers, and this is the perfect issue to do so. Planners are ready to ramp up travel even more, so don’t miss out.”

The deadline to reserve your space is August 11. For prime positions in this year’s issue, contact Kyle Anderson by phone at 888-253-0455 or by email at kyle (at)