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G Adventures Introduces Rail Itineraries

Groups can now book rail journeys through Africa, Asia, Europe and North America with G Adventures for 2015. The tour operator released 25 rail-based itineraries across four continents that range between seven and 54 days in length.

G Adventures have branded the tours as affordable train-based trips for adventurous travelers. Each tour relies primarily on trains as the mode of transport.

The itineraries will run as an insert in G Adventures’ 2015 Earth brochure. Countries include Bulgaria, Canada, China, Mongolia, Hungary, India, Japan, Norway, Russia, Sweden, South Africa and the U.S.

The rail itineraries will feature cultural experiences typical of G Adventures’ other tours, such as home stays, home-cooked meals with local families and stops at projects run by G Adventures’ non-profit organization, Planeterra.

For more information, read the Travel Weekly article or visit