The new planner will include tourism information for New England
SALEM, Ohio — Group travel planners attending this year’s GLAMER Chapter Meetings will be rewarded with a wealth of travel knowledge about building tours to Canada and the New England states as a result of a renewed relationship between GLAMER and Group Travel Planner.
Group Travel Planner has been offering travel planning solutions to group travel organizers for more than 17 years. Throughout this time, the Group Travel Planner brand has grown and expanded geographically, currently encompassing the Atlantic Canadian, Quebec, Ontario, western Canadian and New England markets.
With a powerful print and online combination, Group Travel Planner has proven itself as a beneficial resource to group travel organizers across North America.
GLAMER members will be given the opportunity to subscribe to its travel directories, as well as shown the advantages of going online to use Group Travel Planner for research and booking of trips to Canada and New England.
This is the second year of the relationship between the two organizations.
“GLAMER is pleased to work together with Group Travel Planner in bringing better travel decision-making power to travel groups,” said Charlie Presley of GLAMER.
Exciting changes are coming to Group Travel Planner in 2011. Most notable is the complete facelift of the printed Group Travel Planner series. In addition to the directory of suppliers, readers will receive colorful, informative articles to assist in itinerary planning and a new layout showcasing these articles in an attractive and easy-to-read format, in addition to updated and modernized styling and stimulating visuals.
Said Jeff Nearing, publisher at Holiday Media, “Through market research and industry relations, we have discovered that planners are looking for new and inspiring information about the places they bring groups to.
“Our strategy of continuing to supply a critical mass of suppliers through our website and highlighting our markets through a more conversational and inspirational printed piece now serves both major information requirements that planners want.
“For the suppliers who want to market themselves to the group market, we continue to supply an effective multimedia package.”
GroupTravelPlanner.net also continues to be a useful tool in helping group travel organizers plan itineraries. In addition to the directory of group travel suppliers found on GroupTravelPlanner.net, the site has been recently modified to include such resources as the ability to request quotes from suppliers and organize them in an easy-to-use online filing system to better plan trips.
Also, as an accompaniment, Group Travel Planner is currently developing an updated newsletter to better inform leaders of industry news, trends and supplier updates on a weekly basis. Look for the newsletter in early March.
The Group Travel Planner series of products is an all-in-one, complete, zero-cost resource specifically designed for and targeted to group travel organizations’ needs. No group travel organizer’s toolbox is complete without the use of these resources, and GLAMER is again using its nationwide outreach to deliver this information to thousands of group travel decision makers.
For more information, contact info@grouptravelplanner.net; go to their website, www.grouptravelplanner.net; or follow them on Twitter @gtpdotnet.