Courtesy Little Rock CVB
The wave of revitalization and new construction brought a bevy of outdoor recreational opportunities to Little Rock. Groups can choose from leisurely hikes, guided bike tours, Segway tours and more as they explore the area around this city.
At the center of the opportunities is the Arkansas River Trail, a 17-mile system of pedestrian paths that crisscross the Arkansas River between downtown Little Rock and North Little Rock and extend out to Pinnacle Mountain. The trail system features three pedestrian bridges, including a newly opened bridge at the Clinton Presidential Park and the Big Dam Bridge.
“The Big Dam Bridge is the longest pedestrian and bicycle bridge built for that purpose in North America,” John Mayner said. “It has won a lot of awards, and the Arkansas River Trail was recently named by AAA as the best bike trail in the South.”
Several companies in the area offer active tours that take advantage of the trail system. Segway of Arkansas takes guests on Segway tours of the area, giving visitors an opportunity to enjoy an outdoor ride on self-balancing, battery-operated scooters. Another tour company prefers pedal power.
“We have a new bike tour operation called Bobby’s Bike Hike,” said Mayner. “They do guided tours of the neighborhoods and the River Market District downtown. You can also come rent a bike for a few hours to go out on the trail.”
The future of the trail system looks bright. Plans call for various federal and state agencies throughout central Arkansas to join together to expand the system to 88 miles of urban and rural trails.