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Shrine of Christ’s Passion Opens Expansion

SALEM, Ohio — Just when you thought Frank Schilling was finished building the Shrine of Christ’s Passion,” he amazes the travel industry and opens a new exhibit: Moses, Mount Sinai and the 10 Commandments. Schilling is the founder, inspiration and financial backer of the shrine, which has become a major regional attraction.

It all began as a vision to spread the word of love and peace. Now the free 30-acre destination features 4,000 truckloads of house-size boulders, 6,000 yards of concrete paths, 5,000 trees and an audio and visual experience that would have impressed Walt Disney.

The word has spread, and group travelers from across America and around the world have included the shrine on their itineraries as they travel through Chicago and northern Indiana, where the Shrine of Christ’s Passion is located. Palm Sunday alone now brings up to 40,000 people, all experiencing the destination free of charge.

Schilling believed the shrine was complete but awoke one day with a vision of the addition. Thus, the mission continued.

Groups can visit without a reservation; however, as a courtesy and for detailed information, contact Paul Anderson at 855-277-7474 or visit