We asked our staff, “What is your favorite memory from a class trip?” See which student outings left an impression on us.
In college I went on a mission trip, which my university also allowed as credit for a Western Civilization course. It required documenting and writing a paper on all the historical sites we visited in England, Poland, Vienna and Italy. My favorite memory from that trip was following a guide from the train station to a very out-of-the way hostel where seven of us slept like the seven dwarves on two pushed-together queen beds. I, unfortunately, had to sleep in the crack. It wasn’t pleasant at the time, but it is one of the best memories from that trip: waking up with seven friends in a hot, sticky room with one large window overlooking Rome. We spent the day exploring Roman ruins and fountains and ended it with some authentic Italian food.
— Donia Simmons, creative director
My favorite memory was seeing the Yankees play in the old stadium before it was torn down and then seeing the Blue Man group — one of the best experiences I’ve ever had.
— Daniel Jean-Louis, account manager
My senior year in high school, I had a teacher who took us on two class trips: one to Chicago and one to Columbus, Ohio. He built in a lot of free time and encouraged us to go out and explore the cities on our own. One of my favorite memories of those trips is sitting with my friends at a little coffeehouse we found near the Ohio State University campus in Columbus. We sipped on fancy drinks, listened to jazz and felt very sophisticated. For a 17-year-old, it was a perfect way to spend a free afternoon in a new city.
— Brian Jewell, executive editor
Growing up in Massachusetts, my third-grade class took a school field trip to Plimouth Plantation. I remember walking through the re-creation of the 17th-century village, learning about eel fishing and canoe-making at the Wampanoag village, boarding the Mayflower II and seeing Plymouth Rock, which is way smaller than you would think. Seeing such a big part of our country’s history left a lasting impression, and I would love to go back again and visit again as an adult.
— Ashley Ricks, graphic designer and circulation manager
I went to Prague for a study abroad class after my sophomore year of college, and it was easily the best trip I have ever taken. Our professor introduced us to a lot of important people while we were there, and I always talk about it to this day. My friends all sigh when I bring it up because they’ve heard the story so many times.
— Kyle Anderson, account manager
I’m taking some liberties with this topic. I traveled to Chicago with both of my sons’ classes to go to the city’s museums when they were eighth graders at Bardstown Middle School. They had a science teacher who did this every year with his classes, and somehow, I drew the short straw both years to go along as a parent chaperone. We stayed in a nondescript hotel up on the lake and went to the Museum of Science and Industry and the Field Museum. We also went to Ed Debevic’s, a favorite local restaurant, so the kids could trade verbal abuse with the waiters and waitresses. For most of these kids, it was their first time to fly, and back then, we could all get great airfares on Southwest, so a lot of kids went. It was one of those things that, as a parent, you have to do at least once, and somehow, I got to do it twice.
— Mac Lacy, publisher