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Staff Sound-Off: Food at Home

We asked our staff “What’s something you’ve eaten on the road that you wish you could make at home?” Find out what foods we crave in this month’s staff sound-off.

Just about any Thai soup. I’m a soup person, and the creations they make with Thai curry, lemongrass, peppers, fish and other ingredients are the best I’ve had anywhere in the world.

— Mac Lacy, Publisher

Almost anything I have ever had in Louisiana. If you have ever been, you probably agree.

— Bryce Wilson, Advertising Account Manager

Any seafood dish I’ve ever had while at the beach — hushpuppies included.

— Sarah Sechrist, Controller

I had the most amazing chipotle macaroni and “cheese” at a vegan café in Savannah called Fox and Fig, which is closed now! I seriously still think about it sometimes.

— Rachel Crick, Staff Writer

The chifles (fried plantain chips) I ate in Ecuador.

— Donia Simmons, Creative Director

Probably all of the food I had in Jordan. I loved every bit of it but I don’t think I could recreate that here.

— Kyle Anderson, VP, Sales & Marketing

Fried plantains and roasted sweet potatoes the way they make them in the Caribbean.

— Ashley Ricks, Circulation Manager/Graphic Designer

Just about any barbecue. I love the variety of barbecue styles around the country, and it’s hard for me to pick a favorite meat or regional specialty. One of these days I may try my hand at smoking meat at home, but it will probably have to wait until after the kids are grown.

— Brian Jewell, VP & Executive Editor