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Best Destinations to Escape the Summer Heat

When you find yourself sweating just sitting outside, the idea of sneaking off to a cooler climate can seem very appealing. Though plenty of vacationers plan ahead for warm winter retreats, not everyone considers the benefits of avoiding the extreme July and August heat wave.

If jacket weather sounds appealing while you overheat even in the early morning temperatures, consider planning ahead for next year’s inevitable sweltering weather with these eight group-friendly, cooler summer destinations.


1.) Seattle

Situated on the coast, Seattle stays one of the coolest cities in America this time of year. Highs of around 75 and evening jacket weather of around 56 ensure a comfortable mid-summer getaway. The metropolis offers big city draws like the Pike Place Market with nearby islands and parks to fully enjoy the weather.

2.) Denali National Park

So far north that the state never overheats, Alaska stays on the chilly side even in the thick of summer. Average temperatures of 66 during the day and 44 at night create a spring-like atmosphere all summer. Since Alaskan winters reach such cold depths, this is the best time to enjoy the park’s mountain vistas and wildlife.

3.) Upper Peninsula, Michigan

An area that hits three Great Lakes (Superior, Huron and Michigan) boasts not only phenomenal lakeside views, but also cool summertime temps. With daytime highs reaching 75 and nighttime averages around 54, summers in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula encourage visitors to hike and enjoy the area’s many parks by day and relax by a fire pit at night.

4.) Arcadia National Park

The northern locale ensures comfortable summers with highs around 79 and lows around 59. The park offers group-friendly hikes with stunning views of mountains and rocky coastlines.



1.) South Africa

While north of the equator is in the throws of hot summer weather, the southern hemisphere reaches its coolest temperatures in July and August. This makes summer the perfect time to visit South Africa’s Table Mountain, safari parks, vineyards and whale watching expeditions. Average daytime temperatures range from 55 to 64 degrees.

2.) Iceland

Iceland never reaches hot temperatures, but it can reach freezing cold temps, so a summer trip to this gorgeous country is well advised. Bring your jacket for the 50 to 55 degree weather while you explore lunar-like landscapes, geysers, fishing villages and hot springs. With 20 hours of summer sunlight, you’ll have plenty of time to take all the photos you wish.

3.) Nova Scotia

You can’t break a sweat up in Nova Scotia, but you can enjoy pristine beaches, quaint villages, world famous land based casinos and charming vineyards. Groups also love discovering the region’s history at numerous UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The area’s weather features highs around 71 and lows around 55 for a mild summer climate. Visiting Nova Scotia don’t hesitate to play at 888 Casino, which is known for a great no deposit bonus offer and fast withdrawals.

4.) Norway

The fjords of Norway reach a level of majesty that seems dreamed up, rather than real, which is why you should take advantage of the area’s warmer summer weather to explore this epic geological feature. Even in the summer, the country’s average temperature flutters around 60, which means primetime weather for touring Norway’s national parks, Viking history and well-kept farmhouses.