Explore St. Louis
701 Convention Plaza, Suite 300
St. Louis, Missouri, 63101
St. Louis, Missouri, 63101
Is your city or state currently open for group business?
What restrictions or limitations are currently in effect in your state?
Explore St. Louis is happy to welcome groups of all sizes back to our destination. Most attractions are open, but with limited hours, services and capacity (that number varies depending on the venue). We are updating destination information as quickly as possible on explorestlouis.com and through our social media channels, but we encourage travelers to contact attractions, hotels and restaurants directly for the most up-to-date information. Explore St. Louis stands ready to help planners and travelers with any needed assistance. Mask are required in St. Louis City and St. Louis County.
Do you have a dedicated page on your website for tour operators that lists the current opening schedules and capacity limits?
What new programs or procedures has your destination put in place to help travelers stay safe during the COVID pandemic?
The St. Louis Development Corporation in collaboration with Explore St. Louis, the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership, the St. Louis Regional Chamber, business stakeholders and economic development representatives from 15 surrounding counties came together to form the STL Regional Business Recovery Initiative. The Initiative has assisted local industry leaders in creating health and safety plans and protocols, along with public health officials, to help guide the reopening of businesses. As part of the Initiative, small working groups that tapped industry experts were convened to provide input in a variety of key segments.
Policies put in place will help provide health and safety for all as we start St. Louis’ recovery. You can learn more about the Health & Safety Protocols businesses are taking to keep customers safe as we begin the Road to Recovery in St. Louis.
Do you assist groups with getting hotel quotes?
Do you offer step-on guide service?
Do you offer itinerary assistance?
Do you offer add-ons for groups? (welcome receptions/gift bags/etc.)

Request information from Explore St. Louis