Kentucky’s Horse Headquarters – Georgetown, KY
399 Outlook Center Dr PO Box 825
Georgetown, Kentucky, 40324
Georgetown, Kentucky, 40324
Is your city or state currently open for group business?
What restrictions or limitations are currently in effect in your state?
The State of Kentucky is requiring the following COVID-19 procedures and mandates per the Governor's Executive Orders.
1. Mask must be worn in public places.
2. Restaurants must operate at a limited capacity and close no later than 12:00am.
3. Retail businesses must operate at a limited capacity.
To stay up-to-date on Kentucky state guidelines, please visit
Do you have a dedicated page on your website for tour operators that lists the current opening schedules and capacity limits?
What new programs or procedures has your destination put in place to help travelers stay safe during the COVID pandemic?
Kentucky’s Horse Headquarters - Georgetown, KY has slowly been re-opening during COVID-19 and you may be asking yourself is it safe to travel to Kentucky. In Georgetown, we want our guests to #TravelKYConfidently and know that we have done our part to help keep them safe and healthy during their stay. As Governor Beshear always says, “we are all in this together” and together in Georgetown, KY, we are doing everything possible to reduce the transmission of the virus. Our local businesses, attractions, and hotels are following the latest health and safety protocols. For the latest information on COVID-19 and Healthy At Work Guidelines in Kentucky, please visit
Do you assist groups with getting hotel quotes?
Do you offer step-on guide service?
Do you offer itinerary assistance?
Do you offer add-ons for groups? (welcome receptions/gift bags/etc.)

Request information from Georgetown/Scott Country Tourism Commission