New Orleans & Company
2020 St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans, Louisiana, 70130
New Orleans, Louisiana, 70130
Is your city or state currently open for group business?
What restrictions or limitations are currently in effect in your state?
As of August 2020, New Orleans, Louisiana is in Phase 2 of safely reopening the city.
Here are a few important highlights from Phase 2:
- Every person must wear a mask or face covering while in public, unless you are performing outdoor recreation.
- Indoor gatherings are limited to 25 people or 50% of a venue’s capacity, whichever is lower; outdoor gatherings are limited to 50 people, even in outdoor parks and spaces.
- Individuals must continue to practice social distancing, wash hands often, and frequently disinfect surfaces.
- Seniors and people with serious medical conditions should continue to stay home, as well as anyone who is feeling sick or exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19.
Do you have a dedicated page on your website for tour operators that lists the current opening schedules and capacity limits?