Tyler, Texas – Rose Capital of America
110 N. College Ave. Ste. 105
Tyler, Texas, 75702
Tyler, Texas, 75702
Is your city or state currently open for group business?
What restrictions or limitations are currently in effect in your state?
Must wear masks in all public places, unless outdoors, or once seated at a table in a restaurant.
Restaurants, attractions & shops can only be at 75% capacity, with tables being socially distanced, employees wearing masks and other PPE. Museums are open, however, interactive exhibits still remain closed.
Do you have a dedicated page on your website for tour operators that lists the current opening schedules and capacity limits?
What new programs or procedures has your destination put in place to help travelers stay safe during the COVID pandemic?
Each business has their own safety procedures, but here’s an idea of how our hotels and businesses are creating safe environments for staff and customers.
“Contactless” processes and payments where possible
Requiring frontline staff to wear masks and other PPE as necessary
Requiring guests to wear masks and other PPE as necessary
Screening employees for symptoms before every shift
Enhancing cleaning practices
Limiting the number of guests allowed to visit at one time
Adding hand sanitizing stations
Requiring social distancing between tables and guests
Minimizing guest contact in elevators, lobbies, etc.
Do you assist groups with getting hotel quotes?
Do you offer step-on guide service?
Do you offer itinerary assistance?
Do you offer add-ons for groups? (welcome receptions/gift bags/etc.)

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