Visit Lindsborg – Little Sweden USA
104 E Lincoln St. PO Box 70
Lindsborg, Kansas, 67456
Lindsborg, Kansas, 67456
Is your city or state currently open for group business?
What restrictions or limitations are currently in effect in your state?
Limited groups of 45 or less, unless social distancing and masking can be in place.
Do you have a dedicated page on your website for tour operators that lists the current opening schedules and capacity limits?
What new programs or procedures has your destination put in place to help travelers stay safe during the COVID pandemic?
Mask ordinance in place to provide standard for community wellness and wellness of travelers. Masks provided for travelers that have forgotten their masks. Hand sanitizing stations provided downtown. COVID cleaning policies provided to the CVB by each lodging entity in town.
Do you assist groups with getting hotel quotes?
Do you offer step-on guide service?
Do you offer itinerary assistance?
Do you offer add-ons for groups? (welcome receptions/gift bags/etc.)

Request information from Lindsborg Convention and Visitors Bureau