SALEM, Ohio — The Missouri Travel Council and BankTravel have jointly announced the development of an educational component for bank travel club directors attending Missouri Bank Travel Exchange.
The Missouri Travel Council, which operates the Bank Travel Exchange, is that state’s leading group tourism organization.
“BankTravel looks forward to working with the Missouri Travel Council in developing and delivering education that will help bank clubs grow and prosper,” said Charlie Presley of BankTravel. “The Missouri Travel Council has a reputation for being ahead of the curve in the generation of marketing efforts that expand the Missouri tourism industry.”
Presley was a guest at this year’s Missouri Bank Travel Exchange and walked away impressed with the quality of the event and the value that it brings to delegates.
“The value of group travel is in building relationships that result in a solid business core. Missouri has done just that between its travel industry and bank clubs,” said Presley.
Greg Maxon of the St. Charles Convention and Visitors Bureau serves as the organization’s president, Renee Eichelberger of Explore St. Louis is the incoming bank exchange chair, and Pat Amick is the council’s executive director.
The idea to join forces to better serve all involved came from the Missouri Travel Council and is managed by Donna Cordle-Gray of Legacy Dimensions.
Cordle-Gray said the purpose of the venture will be to expand Missouri Bank Travel Exchange into the arena of education to help its bank delegates run more successful travel clubs.
“We see this relationship as a stepping stone to the next level in securing the future of Missouri group tourism,” said Cordle-Gray.
BankTravel will develop the education content for Missouri, and the two organizations will jointly promote each other at their respective meetings.
“This is the way of the future, organizations working together to better tourism for all,” said Presley.
Missouri Bank Travel Exchange will be held in Kansas City on April 4-6, while BankTravel Conference will be in Baton Rouge, La., Feb. 6-8.
Bank club directors or members of the travel industry interested in these events may contact Cordle-Gray at 816-444-0991 or or Presley at 800-628-0993 or