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Brand USA introduced at Pow Wow

Courtesy U.S. Travel Association

LOS ANGELES — At U.S. Travel Association’s International Pow Wow in Los Angeles, the first global marketing campaign to attract international travelers to the United States officially launched. The April 21-25 conference brought together around 2,200 attendees to the Los Angeles Convention Center, including travel organizations from across the country, as well as international and domestic buyers from more than 70 countries.

The conference’s business negotiations add up to around $3.5 billion in future travel to the United States. Brand USA chose this event to reveal the organization’s global marketing campaign, including the first viewing of its advertisements, its initial target markets and newly designed consumer-focused website,

“Our goal is nothing short of rekindling the world’s love affair with the USA — the place, the spirit and the dream,” said Jim Evans, Brand USA’s CEO. “We want to spread America’s message of welcome around the world and invite travelers to experience the limitless possibilities the United States has to offer.”

Rosanne Cash, daughter of famed American musician Johnny Cash, composed the song “Land of Dreams” for the campaign. Advertisements shown at the conference showed Cash performing the song under New York’s Brooklyn Bridge.

Brand USA also announced that the organization’s marketing strategy would consist of online, social media, billboard and print advertisements, as well as 60- to 15-second television spots. Advertising efforts launched in May starting in the United Kingdom, Japan and Canada. The next wave of advertising will follow in Brazil, South Korea and several other markets.

“Other countries around the world have prioritized tourism efforts for years, yet in the 236 years since the United States was founded, this country has never had a nationally coordinated effort dedicated to inviting travelers to come visit us,” said Stephen J. Cloobeck, chairman of Brand USA’s board of directors. “That changes today. This campaign will tap into an incredibly valuable economic resource — the millions of visitors who want to experience all that our great country has to offer.”

The Travel Promotion Act of 2010 established Brand USA to promote the United States as a travel destination. The organization started in May 2011.

For more information about the International Pow Wow, visit For more information about Brand USA, visit