More Broadway Buzz
Most Americans would find it difficult to find many people who are unfamiliar with the name Harry Potter. The British wizard boy who inspired seven books, even more movies and a formidably large fan base debuted on Broadway in March.
Based on an original story by author J.K. Rowling, “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” premiered in June 2016 at the Palace Theatre in London, where it sold out immediately. However, despite the general popularity, only groups with die-hard fans will want to attempt purchasing tickets. Group tickets difficult to purchase, and the show is so long it must be watched in two parts.
Instead, a co-writer of “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,” Jack Thorne, has released another smash hit expected to appear on Broadway this fall.
“’King Kong’ is throwing its arms open to groups,” said Lee. “It will thrill audiences. Kong is an enormous puppet that needs 11 or 12 puppeteers to work it. I don’t think there has been anything quite on this scale before.”
Another play receiving rave reviews from all ages is “Spongebob Squarepants: The Broadway Musical.” Nominated for 12 Tony Awards, the musical has delighted all ages, regardless of whether they ever watched the cartoon that inspired the production.