SAVANNAH, Ga. — The Savannah Theatre in Georgia has a group travel following and has become a tourist destination in good part because of the relationships Linda Kloog-Harris has built with groups.
“Linda is one of the best people in group travel; she knows groups and takes care of them,” said Charlie Presley of GLAMER.
A good example of her outreach to groups is her attendance at the Long Island New York GLAMER Chapter Meeting, where she booked three groups into the theater. One was a snowbird looking for a New Year’s Eve trip for his Florida group, and two more were with a local company that is spending the night in Savannah.
“It proves that even in a soft economy, groups still travel,” said Presley.
“So, as I have always said, you never know where the next bus will come from. But I can assure you if you don’t go out and get them, there won’t be a next bus,” said Kloog-Harris.
If you are heading to Savannah, contact the Savannah Theatre at www.savannahtheatre.com or Kloog-Harris at linda@savannahtheatre.com.