Legends Park, courtesy Kentucky Dept. of Travel
There’s no better way to spend a warm summer evening in Kentucky than by taking in a baseball game. The state’s minor league teams play in beautiful, intimate stadiums, giving visitors an up-close encounter with rising sports stars.
Consider a home game with one of these teams as a chance to make America’s pastime an evening activity for your tour group.
• Louisville Bats — This AAA affiliate of the Cincinnati Reds plays at the beautiful Louisville Slugger Field, a brick stadium built in classical ballpark style that has become one of the most acclaimed minor league parks in the nation. The entrance is incorporated into a former brick train shed on Main Street, the outfield features a grass berm where spectators can sit, and the Ohio River is visible over the outfield walls.
• Lexington Legends — Evenings out at Legends games have become a favorite summertime activity for Lexington residents. Groups can reserve a space on the right-field party deck or enjoy dinner before the game in the on-site restaurant at charming Whitaker Bank Ballpark, which is beginning its second decade.
• Bowling Green Hot Rods — The two-year-old Hot Rods, a Class A affiliate of the Tampa Bay Rays, are the newest minor league baseball team in Kentucky. Several group packages are available at Bowling Green Ballpark, among them buffet dinners in a picnic area in left field or on a party deck above the first-base-side concourse.
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