We asked our staff “What’s something you’ve eaten on the road that you wish you could make at home?” Find out what foods we crave in this month’s staff sound-off.
Just about any Thai soup. I’m a soup person, and the creations they make with Thai curry, lemongrass, peppers, fish and other ingredients are the best I’ve had anywhere in the world.
— Mac Lacy, Publisher
Almost anything I have ever had in Louisiana. If you have ever been, you probably agree.
— Bryce Wilson, Advertising Account Manager
Any seafood dish I’ve ever had while at the beach — hushpuppies included.
— Sarah Sechrist, Controller
I had the most amazing chipotle macaroni and “cheese” at a vegan café in Savannah called Fox and Fig, which is closed now! I seriously still think about it sometimes.
— Rachel Crick, Staff Writer
The chifles (fried plantain chips) I ate in Ecuador.
— Donia Simmons, Creative Director
Probably all of the food I had in Jordan. I loved every bit of it but I don’t think I could recreate that here.
— Kyle Anderson, VP, Sales & Marketing
Fried plantains and roasted sweet potatoes the way they make them in the Caribbean.
— Ashley Ricks, Graphic Designer & Circulation Manager
Just about any barbecue. I love the variety of barbecue styles around the country, and it’s hard for me to pick a favorite meat or regional specialty. One of these days I may try my hand at smoking meat at home, but it will probably have to wait until after the kids are grown.
— Brian Jewell, VP & Executive Editor