OnSite Familiarization Trips
Discover amazing destinations alongside staff members from The Group Travel Leader on our OnSite familiarization tours. These experiences showcase great attractions and activities your groups will love. Join our OnSite contact list to get priority notifications of new FAM opportunities.
Upcoming OnSite Trips
Sorry, there are no upcoming familiarization tours with open registration. Please press the button above to join the contact list and we'll notify you of future FAM opportunities.
Past OnSite Trips
OnSite in Myrtle Beach
Travel planners discovered the best of the beach on this FAM tour.
OnSite in Jordan 2022
Discover the eye-opening wonders of Jordan’s spiritual and cultural history.
OnSite in Jordan 2019
Join pastors and faith-based travel planners on this immersive journey through Jordan’s spiritual and historical sites.
Interested in bringing an OnSite FAM to your destination?
Email kyle (at) grouptravelleader.com or call us at 859-253-0455.