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Advertise in the 2024 African American Heritage Guide

The Group Travel Leader will publish its 2024 edition of the African American Heritage Guide in the November/December issue of the magazine. This popular annual feature examines contemporary cultural themes within America’s Black population and the travel opportunities they create.

“Our African American Heritage Guide has become a leading reference for travel planners who seek out Black events, neighborhoods, and arts venues for their groups to enjoy,” said Brian Jewell, vice president and executive editor. “Contemporary Black culture creates many of our country’s lifestyle trends, so an annual review of what’s going on in the Black community influences the plans of many travel groups in our readership.”

The 2024 issue features three editorial concepts:

  • Black cultural centers
  • Black neighborhood tours
  • Black music festivals

Sidebars in the issue will feature the perspectives of selected Black travel influencers whose followers create and sell group travel experiences to their clients.

Destinations that want to advertise their Black travel highlights may contact Kyle Anderson or Telisa Rech for advertising rates and specs. Print and digital advertising are available for the African American Heritage Guide here, and advertising closes October 9, 2024.

Mac Lacy

Mac Lacy is president and publisher of The Group Travel Leader Inc. Mac has been traveling and writing professionally ever since a two-month backpacking trip through Europe upon his graduation with a journalism degree from the University of Evansville in 1978.