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Meet with AATC Planners in Cleveland

SALEM, Ohio Destination Cleveland is hosting the African American Travel Conference (AATC), April 3–5 and is inviting the travel industry to join them in celebrating the diversity of group travel. AATC has led the travel industry in promotion of group travel for 25 years and has helped thousands of organizers plan better travel for their groups, clubs and even family reunions.

“It’s such an honor to help our delegates, the grass-roots organizers of group travel, succeed,” said Cassandra Blankenship of AATC.

Local sightseeing will be included, as well as interesting meal functions and events. Delegates of this year’s conference, held at Embassy Suites of Cleveland, will also meet with the event sponsors including Louisville Tourism, Greater Birmingham CVB, Chesapeake CVB, Visit Topeka and Destination Cleveland.

To attend, contact Blankenship at 800-628-0993 or