Can you succeed in travel sales without having a big, outgoing personality?
Nicole Boyer believes you can, because she has done it. A veteran group travel sales representative from Pennsylvania, she now trains tourism professionals on how to become more personable and successful travel sellers while still being true to themselves. She joins this episode of the podcast to share how even introverts can become “sales ninjas” through authenticity and preparation.
Nicole explains how relationships are the key to tourism sales success and shares some tips for new travel professionals to build those relationships, even if they don’t know anyone else in the industry. Plus, we have news about an airline experimenting with transferable tickets and a Road Tip about the best way to pack your shoes; and a Hot Minute about why all travel tickets should be transferable.
Insights from Nicole Boyer
On selling as an introvert:
“It’s a lot about just motivating myself, encouraging myself and telling myself I can do it. It’s also a lot about preparation. Extroverts can be comfortable with just winging it. But for me and other introverts, I feel more comfortable with preparation. Sometimes it’s a little more work on the front end, but it’s not a bad thing in the long term.”
On becoming a sales ninja:
“A ninja is someone who trains really hard so they can get their jobs done efficiently without too much attention…. You don’t have to be the loudest person in the room or the center of attention to be successful in sales. You really have to know your stuff and be intentional about your actions. It’s all about that preparation in advance so that in the moment you can be calm and confident.”
On the importance of authenticity in sales:
“Don’t do things that are formulaic and robotic in your process. It’s about adding those personal touches and continually focusing on that relationship. Tourism is quite literally the business of fun, so we need to communicate that we’re in the business of fun. So you have to show your personality and be yourself.”
Resources Mentioned in This Episode
Follow Nicole Boyer on LinkedIn.
Learn more about the Ginger Sales Ninja at
Find the Eagle Creek Shoe Sack at
Key Moments From This Episode
1:21 — Travel News: Transferable airline tickets
2:31 — Road Tip: The best way to pack your shoes
10:56 — How Nicole Boyer became a travel seller
13:54 — Can introverts succeed in tourism sales?
17:41 — Breaking the ice at tourism events
19:31 — The power of preparation in sales
24:27 — Becoming a sales ninja
30:46 — Why the elevator pitch stinks… and how to replace it
32:36 — Ninja tips for selling tours
44:28 — Should all travel products be transferable?
About the Podcast
Gather and Go with Brian Jewell is a tourism industry podcast that helps group travel leaders plan, promote and lead better trips. There are also tips and insights for destination marketers and others who support the tourism trade. Each episode reaches thousands of professional tour operators, travel agents and the volunteer group leaders they serve. The audience also includes destination museum leaders, church travel leaders and other tourism enthusiasts around the world. Each show includes an interview with a smart travel pro or an insightful person from outside tourism who’s expertise can help make travel businesses better. You’ll also hear travel news, road tips and more. New episodes are released about twice monthly.
You can find Gather and Go wherever your listen to podcasts or subscribe by email.
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